The Forbidden City


The Kleasá does not advance; it is reluctant to leave the defence of the Shadow Gate. Tanith looks out to you with hope in her eyes. You lift your Wizard’s Staff and aim it at the demon shadow, which radiates a strange black light.

Tanith’s expression changes to one of horror. ‘Grey Star!’ you hear her cry, her voice muffled by the proximity of the other world. ‘Stay your hand!’ The wild fire of your Staff tears towards the Kleasá and, as the bolt of energy hits the creature, it is Tanith who recoils in pain. Somehow, the Kleasá is making Tanith the victim of its pain. The Kleasá emits a chilling laugh full of scorn.

If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and with to use it to attack the Kleasá, turn to 122.

If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and possess the Mind Gem, and wish to use them both against the Kleasá, turn to 143.

If you wish to use the Black Rod of Shasarak, turn to 229.

Project AonThe Forbidden City