Heedless of the danger to yourself, you turn and fire at the Shadakine as they tramp through the marsh grass. A bolt of force rips into the nearest Shadakine as he fumbles to reload his weapon and he falls to the ground in a blinding sheet of magical flame. Your attack has cost you only 1 WILLPOWER point. You are amazed at the effect of your attack at such little cost. You conclude that your powers must have increased greatly since last you used your Staff in combat.
A second Shadakine warrior confronts you, his crossbow levelled at your chest. Suddenly, before you are able to attack, Urik produces a weapon of his own. It is a small boomerang, its edges lined with a row of razor-sharp teeth. With great skill and accuracy he hurls the boomerang at the Shadakine, inflicting a fatal neck wound. Urik runs forward and retrieves his weapon from the Shadakine’s neck.
An enemy swordsman bursts out of his hiding place among the foliage and charges towards you, his scimitar whirling above his head.
Shadakine Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 25
If you wish to evade combat altogether, turn to 30.
If you win the combat, turn to 88.