The Forbidden City


Samu appears at your side and attacks the writhing creature with his broadsword. Hugi and Urik grab you by your cloak and pull you away from the fight as Samu’s sword cuts back and forth in wide sweeping arcs. ‘He more danger to you than Scree Wyrm,’ shouts Urik, pointing at Samu, who is lost in a berserk fury.


Suddenly, a loud cry makes you start. It is Hugi—he is struggling in the bony coils of another Scree Wyrm. You dare not attack the creature with a blast from your Staff for fear of hitting the struggling thief.

If you decide to engage the creature in close combat, turn to 206.

If you do not wish to attack the Scree Wyrm, turn to 255.

Project AonThe Forbidden City