The Forbidden City


You hold the Gem tightly in your hand and allow its power to flood through you. Immediately, your mind is assailed by a multitude of memories, for the Gem is ancient. You sense the good and ill wills of those who have possessed the Gem in the past; easiest to define is the evil of the Shadakine slavemaster who owned it last. Uncomprehending of its power, he had used it for petty thefts and crimes, manipulating those who had earned his displeasure.

You gradually come to understand the true nature of the Gem. It is a transmitter of thought, a magical item capable of increasing and amplifying mental energy. It is capable of controlling only one mind at a time, but your Magical Power of Sorcery will enable you to transmit this power across a great distance. The use of the Power of Psychomancy has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

You exert 2 WILLPOWER points and attempt to control the mind of the user of the Kazim Stone.

Turn to 14.

Project AonThe Forbidden City