The Forbidden City


You drop your Shield of Sorcery and fire. At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points, you hurl a bolt of force in the direction of the movement. A bright plume of flame erupts among the marsh reeds and a terrible scream breaks the heavy silence of the swamp. A Shadakine warrior staggers to his feet, a ball of raging fire. Wreathed in flames, he stumbles through the foliage, clawing desperately at his body before plunging into the lake to extinguish the fire. As he hits the water, the two Eijalfish dart towards him.


‘We go?’ asks Urik, half-rising to his feet.

If you wish to use this chance to swim away, turn to 74.

If you would prefer to recreate your Shield of Sorcery instead, turn to 152.

Project AonThe Forbidden City