The Forbidden City


You enter a small clearing that is sheltered by a toa tree. Curled in its shade, you see a strange, reptilian creature, four feet long, with large, soft eyes that look at you pleadingly with more than a hint of human intelligence. A large wound oozes blood from its side. Urik explains that it is a young Chaksu, a much sought after beast. The adult grows to as much as ten feet in height and Chaksu hide is an expensive commodity, much in demand due to its toughness and elasticity. It is said that the wealth of the city of Karnali that stands on the edge of the Gurlu Marshes was built upon its trade in Chaksu hides and hunters frequently come to the marshes in search of their fortune.


Chaksu are capable of a primitive form of mind speech and you can clearly sense its distress. As Urik moves to tend its wound, the Shadakine break from cover and come running straight at you. It was these same Shadakine that injured the young Chaksu, leaving it for dead when they sighted you and Urik.

If you wish to make a stand in this clearing and protect the Chaksu from further harm, turn to 11.

If you wish to flee, turn to 20.

Project AonThe Forbidden City