The Magdi crumples and falls lifelessly to the ground but still the Shadakine remain. They each wear a menacing grin, sensing victory. The tall Shadakine captain steps forward. ‘Surrender yourself, Wizard. You cannot hope to win.’ As he speaks, the Chaksu utters a long trilling cry like a forlorn plea for help. The captain laughs scornfully, but his smug, self-satisfied expression changes to one of terrified disbelief as two large Chaksu burst out of the undergrowth, roaring with fury and searching for their lost offspring. The largest of the Chaksu, and mother of the young Chaksu you have protected, reaches out and grabs the Shadakine officer by the neck. With a deathly grip, she lifts him off the ground. His eyes bulge and his face turns purple; he is asphyxiated before she hurls him to the ground breaking his body in several places. With a triumphant howl, the Chaksu rush towards the Shadakine, who are running in all directions. Those Shadakine who are too slow of foot are mercilessly broken underfoot; the carnage is terrible to behold.
When no Shadakine remain, the Chaksu turn and bow low before the mother sweeps her baby into her arms. Although they do not speak, their thanks echo in your mind. They give you a small set of wooden pipes. Should you need help, you have only to blow the pipes and they will come to your aid. Gratefully, you accept the Chaksu Pipes and place this Special Item in a pocket in your robe. (Remember to mark it on your Action Chart.) Then, the Chaksu are gone, trampling the thick foliage as if it were matchwood.
‘ “Great in might is the power of kindness”,’ says Urik, quoting from The Way of the Shianti.
‘ “Oft comes help when help is unlooked for”,’ you reply, anxious not to be outdone. Urik chuckles.