The Forbidden City


The battle is nearly won. Able to avoid killing the slaves, the veiled soldiers overwhelm the Shadakine slave guards. As the last cries of battle fade away, the few surviving Shadakine attempt to flee: to a man they are cut down without mercy.

One of the masked attackers approaches you. ‘Stranger,’ he says, ‘our leader, Sado of the Long Knife, wishes to speak to you.’ You follow the soldier and arrive before Sado of the Long Knife. He has put aside his veil to reveal a lean, haggard face and eyes of piercing blue.

‘My thanks,’ says Sado with a polite bow. ‘Your timely arrival was most welcome. We return now to the marshes; the attack will not have gone unnoticed and we must move swiftly to avoid the retribution of the Shadakine of Karnali. Will you accompany us?’

You and Urik walk beside Sado as his small army of a hundred men move into the cover of the marshes.

Turn to 250.

Project AonThe Forbidden City