With your heart pounding you scamper across the bridge; a slight tremor runs through the stone. ‘I think it’s starting to go!’ you shout across to Samu.
Gingerly, he starts to cross but as he reaches the middle of the bridge, the stone cracks and, abruptly, Samu disappears from view. You rush to the edge of the collapsing bridge and look down into the water. Briefly, you see a pair of flailing arms as Samu struggles valiantly against the fast current, and then he is gone. The bridge continues to crumble but, unheeding, you stare at the black water, your eyes blurred with tears.
‘Grey Star!’ Urik shouts. ‘Come away … the bridge!’ Heedless of its fragile state, you walk slowly from the bridge, too numb to speak. Without looking back, the three of you walk towards the gate of the Forbidden City in silence.