The Forbidden City


You cause the tip of your Staff to emit a dim glow that illuminates the interior of your prison. You are in a large, low-ceilinged chamber, littered with shards of fallen masonry. Urik and Hugi lie in a far corner. They both remain silent. What use are words now? (The cost of creating a light from your Staff has been 1 WILLPOWER point.)

You curse your bad luck. You are sure that some wizardry is required to free you from this prison, but you are weak and still have to reach Desolation Valley. It is sure to hold other dangers for you. You are suddenly distracted from this moody introspection by the sound of shouting voices, and the noise of a struggle coming from above. Suddenly, the door of the chamber is thrown open. Looking down on you is the figure of Samu, smiling broadly, sword in hand. ‘How?’ you cry in disbelief.

‘The river carried me downstream before I was able to resist its current,’ says Samu. ‘I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Luckily for you, I was nearby when the wretches of this city caught you. I saw them bring you to this crypt. Wait a moment.’ Swiftly, he turns and slashes at a wretch who is trying to drag him away from the door. He swats his assailant like a fly then turns to face you once more. ‘Come, we must hurry.’


He pulls each of you out in turn, and stops to deliver a kick at two wretches blocking a doorway that leads from the crypt. ‘This way,’ he says, indicating a narrow passage that leads upwards. ‘These creatures seem reluctant to travel this passage. They will not follow, I think.’

You run down the passage as fast as you can with Samu protecting the rear. At the end of the passage is a heavy door. Urik swings it open and you all dash through.

Turn to 26.

Project AonThe Forbidden City