The Forbidden City


You call out to the Element of Earth in the strange language of the Elemental Plane. As the fire around you burns brighter, the exposed flesh on your face and hands suffers minor burns; lose 2 ENDURANCE points. Then, looming like a giant shadow in the fire, the huge form of an Earth Demon storms towards you. It is impervious to the flames and quickly it reaches towards you with huge, gnarled hands, sweeping you both up into a protective embrace. You can smell the damp scent of freshly turned soil as it holds you close. ‘Where?’ it asks impassively.

Earth Elementals are noted for their stupidity but when you point to the far edge of the bank, it begins to stride forward deliberately. Its vast bulk shields you from the burning lake and it sets you down safely among the chest-high marsh grass. Wordlessly, it turns away, slowly melting back into the ground until it is gone.

A shallow waterway leads out of the marsh grass, cutting through it like a path. Suddenly, a terrible sound rends the air, a howling that holds your spine in an icy grip. The Shadakine have hunting dogs—the ferocious Magdi Hounds.

Turn to 25.

Project AonThe Forbidden City