The Forbidden City


You are standing in a huge cavern. Eyes gleaming greedily, Hugi shoulders past you and runs headlong down the carved stone steps that lead to the cavern floor. ‘This must be the place!’ he says, excitedly. Immediately, he begins to search the chamber, scrabbling among the rocks and debris and then, with a jubilant cry, he unearths an old and rusty chest. In an instant, he has removed his wallet of thief’s tools and, with practised ease, sets about the lock. Swiftly, he masters the challenge, flicking open the lid with a hungry look. His face drops. ‘Books!’ he snarls contemptuously.

You walk over to his side and peer down at the leather-bound tomes. A closer examination reveals a shocking surprise.

Turn to 103.

Project AonThe Forbidden City