The Forbidden City


Still within the vision, you point towards the Element of Air. It floats towards you and you feel it entering the domain of Earth. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

When you open your eyes, you see that the Shadakine have already reached the edge of the lake. Their leader shouts commands and they move into position, loading their weapons and preparing to fire. There is no sign of the Air Elementals.

The Shadakine leader gives a shout and the Shadakine warriors release a volley of crossbow bolts in your direction. Instinctively, you and Urik dive to the ground. You are dismayed; it seems that the Elementals have failed you. Then suddenly, a burst of astonished cries comes from the Shadakine as a colossal gust of wind tears past you. Looking up, you watch as the volley of quarrels is swept up and away by a whirlwind of dust and debris. The Elemental stands, man-high before you, the faint outline of a pair of eyes shining up from within the depths of its form. It is a Whirlghast, and the bolts of the Shadakine are unable to pass through it.

‘Urik,’ you call, ‘can we do anything about the Eijalfish?’ Another volley of bolts flies towards you, but they are spun in all directions by the Whirlghast. Urik produces a small boomerang from his tunic. Its edge is lined with a row of razor-sharp teeth. ‘I try,’ he says.

Taking careful aim, he throws the boomerang towards the eyestalks of the Eijalfish. His aim is true; the boomerang slices an eye from its stalk before returning to land at his feet. Green blood marks the spot where the Eijalfish once lingered. ‘We go now?’ Urik asks, a mischievous grin on his face as he bends to pick up his weapon.

Turn to 74.

Project AonThe Forbidden City