Beyond the Nightmare Gate


The raging wind helps the Ethetron to stay airborne without power and, while the Jahksa is in a trance state communing with the Elementals, you take up your Staff. It is difficult to take accurate aim because of the violent movements of the craft and yet, with remarkable calmness and precision, you fire a direct hit into the Jahksa’s chest.15 He leaps back and, with magical flames still smouldering in the remains of his robe, he staggers towards you. Without hesitation, Tanith rushes at the Jahksa and thrusts him over the rail. She gives you a look of triumph and you cannot resist a cheer.

The storm blows itself out and quickly you bring the Ethetron back on course. You soon reach the Moaning Mountain and locate the cavern. With some skilful manoeuvring, you line up the ship with the opening and enter.

Turn to 300.

[15] As you are using your Wizard’s Staff against the Jahksa, you should deduct 2 WILLPOWER points.

Project AonBeyond the Nightmare Gate