Beyond the Nightmare Gate


Awareness suddenly glimmers in Tanith’s face. Slowly she comes to her senses as if awakening from a deep sleep. ‘Grey Star,’ she says, quietly. ‘Is it really you?’

‘Yes, it’s really me,’ you reply, with a warm smile.

‘I thought … ’ she says with a dry sob. ‘It was in my mind … the Black Wizard, he had your face. He took me from the Crystal Tower and brought me here. By the time I realized it wasn’t you, the Chaos-master had asked me what gift I desired. I asked for you, Grey Star, and the Chaos-master told me that the Black Wizard was you. Then my mind was full of fear and loathing. I—’

‘You don’t have to explain. It’s all right. I understand.’

Outside, a strange, yet familiar voice sends a chill down your spine. ‘How touching; how noble. Such understanding,’ it sneers. You rush outside to see a hooded figure dressed all in black. Slowly, deliberately, the hood is pulled aside to reveal your own face staring back at you. ‘Greetings, brother,’ says your voice. ‘We meet at last.’


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Project AonBeyond the Nightmare Gate