Beyond the Nightmare Gate


You fasten one end of the Rope around your waist and hand the other end to Tanith. When she has secured her end of the Rope, you hand her your Wizard’s Staff and Backpack, since you will need as little encumbrance as possible while you attempt the difficult climb ahead. ‘When I reach a ledge,’ you say to Tanith, ‘I’ll try to haul you up.’

She nods, a look of concern etched into her pretty face. ‘Be careful, Grey Star.’

Taking a deep breath you begin the ascent.

Select a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Silver Charm of Jnana the Wise, add 1 to this total. If you possess the magic Talisman of the Shianti, add a further 1 to this total.

If your total is 0–5, turn to 292.

If your total is 6–11, turn to 246.

Project AonBeyond the Nightmare Gate