Beyond the Nightmare Gate


Of one thing you are certain: Spittlethrift spoke the truth when he said that you cannot leave the Realm of the Neverness without his help, and therefore you cannot complete your quest for the Moonstone without accepting the task they have appointed you. You see a vision of yourself, alone, standing upon a strange machine with a curiously shaped sail and a large glass dome at its centre. You wonder what has become of Tanith and why you journey alone. You have expended 1 WILLPOWER point.

With a mind crowded with doubts and uncertainties, you agree reluctantly to undertake the quest to steal the Threnogem. ‘Good, good, marvellous,’ says Spittlethrift, joyfully. ‘Come with me—to the laboratory.’

Tanith shakes her head, the look in her eyes revealing her deep mistrust of Spittlethrift and his kin.

Turn to 105.

Project AonBeyond the Nightmare Gate