Immediately, you are standing in the court of the Chaos-master. The high walls ripple with light as the strange architecture of the Master’s hall changes constantly. In the centre of the hall, upon an obsidian throne, is seated the Chaos-master himself, ruler of the Realm of the Paradox. He makes a disturbing sight: a giant over thirty feet in height, his facial features and characteristics are in a state of constant flux, continually melting into new and hideous guises. You glimpse dark and loathsome creatures, beasts, and beings of indescribable horror, writhing within this awesome god.
‘Welcome to the Master’s court!’ he bellows. ‘Allow me to introduce my guests.’
Slowly a dark-robed figure walks into the hall. He wears a hood and carries a black staff. Following immediately behind is Tanith. She gives you a brave smile.
‘May I present the Wizard, Grey Star.’
A deep dread stirs in your heart. Suddenly, the robed figure pulls back his hood to reveal your own face staring at you. ‘Welcome, brother,’ says your twin. ‘I have long looked forward to this meeting.’