The Passing of the Shianti
And so it was that the shame of the Shianti was absolved. With the defeat of the Wytch-king, Shasarak, the renegade Shianti Master, the Shadakine Empire he had built fell. The Shadakine people fled back to their former home in the Sadi Desert, and Grey Star—the champion of the Shianti cause—was proclaimed ‘Wizard Regent’ of the free peoples of the old empire, to oversee a time of rebirth and liberty. The only Shadakine who did not return to the Sadi Desert was the Lady Tanith. She and Grey Star were soon married, as many foretold they would be, to form the founding line of a Magiocracy destined to rule the new confederation of free states formed from the ashes of the old empire. For the Shianti themselves a higher destiny dawned. The Goddess Ishir came to them on the Isle of Lorn and took them up to the Plane of Light. Their reward was to dwell as immortals by her side and in her service in peace and serenity.
The Wizard Grey Star saw them once before they departed and many fond and sad farewells were exchanged. To Grey Star was bequeathed the nature of true Shianti wisdom, the last of their ancient magical secrets which only a lifetime’s study would unlock from the hundreds of dusty volumes, scrolls, and magical artefacts. The Moonstone was given into the care of the Shianti and taken with them into the Plane of Light, for still its power was too great to remain on Magnamund.
Grey Star then returned to his people. Sado of the Long Knife was made general of the army, King Samu had his lands in the Lissan Plain restored to him, and Urik the Wise of the Kundi peoples was summoned to act as advisor to the Wizard Regent and Lady Tanith the Wytch-queen. Despite his newfound responsibilities and duties, Grey Star looked forward to a time of hope and happiness. In this far corner of Magnamund, at least for now, peace reigned.
And so ends the chronicle of the first quest of the Wizard Grey Star.23