War of the Wizards


Suddenly you wheel, giving the line of demons a wide birth. They also change direction but the speed of your Simar steed is great and you are able to avoid them easily. Soon they have become nothing more than blurs on the horizon.

For a while the journey continues without further interruption, the steady, rolling gait of your Simar mount eating up the miles. Suddenly you hear the flap of leathery wings beating above your head. You look up to see a large, winged reptile bearing rows of razor-edged teeth flying towards you. It gives a terrible scream that echoes all around the open plain.

If you wish to fire a long-range blast at the creature with your Wizard’s Staff, turn to 149.

If you wish to increase the speed of your Simar steed and head towards the beast to engage it in close combat, turn to 161.

Project AonWar of the Wizards