You are looking into a long, broad hall, dappled with pools of faint orange light. The source of the light is a series of square, slanting shafts high in the tall, vaulted ceiling. At the far end of the hall are two staircases, each leading to the first of many galleries that run along each wall. Archways line the balustraded galleries, each one leading into an ominous pool of darkness.
Your footsteps echo loudly as you walk across the tiled floor covered with the dust of centuries. The air is musty and tainted with the faint aroma of attar. Each stone is draped with cobwebs. You move towards a dais in the centre of the hall. Mounting the steps, you see that it contains a wide, circular opening. A thick, iron bar is suspended across the opening and mounted on each end is a large handle. Attached to the handles and passing through a hole in the middle of the bar is a length of thick rope.
‘This must be a well!’ exclaims Tanith, excitedly.
If you wish to turn one of the handles and draw from the well, turn to 3.
If you wish to examine the well, turn to 48.