War of the Wizards


You have never attempted teleportation before. Be careful not to teleport yourself into a stone wall or tree. If you do make this mistake your body will not be able to function and you will die instantly. It is safest to teleport to a place you have seen or already visited so that you can visualize it accurately in your mind. In cases like this, where you have not seen the place you are teleporting to, you must try to imagine your arrival point.

Closing your eyes, you prepare to travel. Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the silver charm of Jnana the Wise, add 1 to this number. If you possess the Magic Talisman of the Shianti, add another 1 to this number. You may also add 1 for each of the following Magical Powers that you possess: Sorcery, Prophecy, Psychomancy, Visionary, and Telergy.

If your total is 5 or less, turn to 130.

If your total is more than 5 turn to 55.

Project AonWar of the Wizards