You and Tanith squeeze into the alcove and keep very still. The scratch and scuffle of clawed feet tells you that the demon horde is ascending the stairs in the hall below. Soon you hear the sound of movement nearby. Peering out of the shadows you see a hunched, three-legged creature enter the chamber. A single yellow eye looks out from the centre of a broad, furrowed forehead, crested with many long feelers like antennae. The demon emits a moan of displeasure on finding the chamber empty and turns to leave. You give a quiet sigh of relief and suddenly the demon halts and begins to sniff the air, head cocked to one side with a quizzical gesture. Then it sees you and, with a feral scream, stumbles forward, its clawed hands outstretched. You cannot evade this combat and step forward into the light.
If you win the combat, turn to 183.