The miles pass by slowly. Though the Lissan Plain is monotonously flat and should be relatively easy to cross, the fierce heat of the afternoon sun drains your strength. Tanith looks very tired. You decide to rest and you both stop beneath the shade of a large, solitary tree. As Tanith wipes sweat from her brow she turns and gives you a searching look. ‘Have you noticed?’ she says.
You have no idea what she means and tell her so. ‘There are no birds, no beasts, no wild creatures of any kind,’ she replies.
Her observation explains the strange stillness of the plain and adds to the sense of evil that pervades it. Suddenly Tanith jumps to her feet. ‘Look!’ she cries. ‘Something is moving out there.’
You look in the same direction. In the distance you can see a small figure moving at great speed, though it is too far away for you to be able to distinguish any details. The figure is moving south.
If you wish to investigate, turn to 222.
If you wish to continue on your way, turn to 257.