You take up the Moonstone and, focusing your power, gaze into it. The impenetrable blackness that formerly filled the stone disperses and a light kindles there. Soon the stone is filled with spinning colour. The spinning stops and you are looking at the Lissan Plain. Four creatures come swiftly into view. Each creature is horribly misshapen: the leading creature is a large, toad-like being with glistening green skin and a long tail. All four lope, hop, and shamble along as their ghastly forms allow. There is a menacing purpose to their walk and you are sure that you are their prey. The use of this vision has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.
If you have the Magical Power of Necromancy and wish to use it to chant an incantation against evil, turn to 146.
If you wish to continue moving and perhaps escape your pursuers, turn to 213.
If you wish to head towards your pursuers, turn to 9.