Stunned and dizzy, you lie on the floor, unable to defend yourself. The Demon Master hovers above, its leathery wings beating. It stoops to deliver a killing blow. Bravely Tanith steps forward, dagger in hand, ready to defend you to the last. The demon minions swarm forward in glee and the position looks hopeless. Then, amid the whirl of your thoughts, you hear the cries of men and the clash of steel. Joyfully you see a gleam of shining metal flash above your head and the Demon Master’s back arch with pain. Howling in agony it begins to fall. With lightning reactions, Tanith drags you to one side, seconds before the lifeless and bloody corpse of the beast hits the ground with a jarring crash. A long, slim javelin protrudes from its back.
‘Grey Star,’ Tanith cries. ‘We are saved!’
She helps you into an upright position and you peer down the hall. Pouring through the entrance of the tomb comes a mass of tall warriors, swords bared and reaping a deadly harvest among the demonic ranks.