The night passes without incident but you are wakened at dawn by the sounds of scratching and scrabbling from below. The sinister murmuring of distant voices echoes ominously throughout the vast hall and the hair on the back of your neck prickles with fear at the sound of a low, bestial moan, alien and chilling. Tanith wakes with a nervous start. Sensibly she says nothing, but her dagger is in her hands in a moment, her eyes flashing dangerously, her body taut. Slowly you edge out of the chamber and peer through the supporting columns of the balcony. In the golden glow of the dawn light that creeps through the shafts of the roof, you are confronted by a nightmarish vision.
The floor of the ziggurat is a heaving carpet of horror. A swarm of hideous creatures lurks there, gibbering insanely. Each wears a different and equally misshapen guise: toad beasts, their green hides glistening, crawl beside stunted anthropoids with matted fur and scabby flesh; creeping reptiles with human heads vie with many-limbed crustaceans; lurching serpents slither upon the backs of hulking beetles. Never before have you seen such a ghastly horde of evil deformity.
‘The demon plague,’ hisses Tanith, horrified. ‘Such was the evil that defeated the brave Masbaté. Who could stand against such fearful monstrosity?’
The shuffling column reaches the foot of the stairs. With every passing moment more are entering the ziggurat through the gateway that you yourself opened but could not close. Now it is you that must attempt to stand against the demon plague. Five floors below, a terrifying doom approaches. The demons advance, slowly, cautiously, unsure of their new environment. Certainly, they are unaware of your presence in the highest gallery of the ancient Masbaté tomb. You have little time in which to plan an escape.
If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Necromancy and wish to use it to begin an incantation to ward off evil, turn to 113.
If you wish to attack the demonic horde with your Staff at long range, turn to 137.
If you prefer to try to hide, turn to 151.