Your body trembling with the effort of concentration, you hurl power into the Moonstone and direct it towards the portal. The portal burns with white-hot intensity and the eyes of Agarash burn deep into your heart. For, while you concentrate your power on the portal, you are undefended from Agarash’s attempts to master you. The stallion rears and turns in absolute terror and your head screams insanely, but you never waver from your attempt upon the portal. The malice of Agarash fills your body and tears at your soul, yet still you hold the glowing gem aloft, clinging to it with fierce resolve. There is a mighty explosion and Agarash’s frustrated scream echoes for miles around. The portal has been destroyed and Agarash can no longer reach you: you have escaped damnation at his hands. You have exerted 4 WILLPOWER points and must lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
Even as the portal is destroyed, Agarash’s last words thunder around the valley. ‘Minions of Agarash, slaves of the scarlet fires—destroy! Destroy and avenge me!’
If you are still alive, turn to 268.