War of the Wizards


At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point you raise the Moonstone and light begins to pour from it. Shasarak scowls and takes a step back.

‘So you think the Moonstone is enough to defeat me do you? You forget the need for a mighty hand to wield it. Are you mighty, Grey Star?’

Shasarak’s words strike you like blows but you do not fail in your resolve. Effortlessly, Shasarak drains 1 WILLPOWER point and 1 ENDURANCE point from your body. You stagger as the life-force is dragged from you.

‘You see?’ Shasarak sneers.

If you wish to shield yourself with the Moonstone’s light, turn to 92.

If you wish to strike Shasarak with the Moonstone’s light, turn to 190.

Project AonWar of the Wizards