War of the Wizards


Before the next demon dives, you begin an erratic sequence of diagonal moves. The demons are thrown into confusion and you are able to reduce the distance to the pass. When at last the next dive comes, you are taken by surprise. Instead of attacking you, the winged Demon gouges a line of bloody weals along the stallion’s haunches. The stallion screams in pain but does not falter. You chance a look behind and see that the horde is still far away. A third demon dives. This beast has an insectoid body combined with feathered bird’s wings. You attempt a dummy turn but the beast is not fooled.

Insect Demon: COMBAT SKILL 18   ENDURANCE 17

Combat lasts for only one round. If your enemy loses more ENDURANCE points than you, ignore any ENDURANCE points you lose.

If you are still alive, turn to 265.

Project AonWar of the Wizards