War of the Wizards


You tug the stallion’s head to one side and pull away from their shambling advance at a gallop. You skirt the edge of the valley, keeping a large distance between yourself and your enemies. They fall into babbling confusion, splitting into disorganized groups and making their various ways out of the valley. You move at great speed, faster than the confused mass that seeks you out, and you cover the mile in a short time, thundering to a halt at the other end of the valley where the portal burns halfway down the slope.

As you study the burning arch, a large, winged spider with eight bulbous but distinctly human eyes swoops towards you. It is coming at you too swiftly for you to be able to fire at it from long range and you cannot evade without risking serious injury. It is a fight to the death. If you have swallowed a potion of Invulnerability, or used the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy to render yourself invulnerable, ignore all ENDURANCE points lost by yourself for the duration of the combat.

Demon Spiderfly: COMBAT SKILL 25   ENDURANCE 24

If you win the combat, turn to 197.

Project AonWar of the Wizards