War of the Wizards


Judging from the position of the sun in the blue, cloudless sky, you estimate that it is well past noon when the green Hills of Tilos come into view. There has been no further sign of the demon plague. The protection of the Moonstone and the aura of light that you have summoned with your necromantic powers must have kept the demons at bay. Where then are they? Samu told you that there are possibly a thousand of the evil creatures. Surely they will seek to prevent you from reaching the portal that is the sole gateway to their world?

If you are versed in the Higher Magick of a Visionary and wish to expend 2 WILLPOWER points in its use, you must give up the protection from evil granted to you by the use of the Higher Magick of Necromancy, since both spells require the use of the Moonstone. If you wish to cease your use of the Power of Necromancy and use your Power as a Visionary, turn to 249.

If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it at the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, turn to 266.

If you do not possess either of these Powers, lack sufficient WILLPOWER points to use them, or do not wish to use these forms of magic at the moment, turn to 271.

Project AonWar of the Wizards