A flash of colour catches your eye: it is a collection of purple Phinomel. This flowering shrub, also known to some as Dragonkiss, grows round the base of rocks and stones, taking root in the damp soil beneath. The name Dragonkiss comes from the plant’s curious, perilous flowers. Each flower is a semi-transparent pod and its colour comes from the potent, purple acid within each one. If the main plant is disturbed the pods may squirt a stinging jet of acid, capable of inflicting a painful burn. If the pods can be plucked carefully from the main plant, without disturbing the main plant, the acid can be preserved and used at a later date. The acid is of great use to Alchemists and Theurgists as a constituent part of a formula to transform base metals to metals of greater worth.
If you wish to pluck some Phinomel pods, turn to 4.
If you wish to continue on your way, turn to 43.