The dark, fearsome shape stands before you, towering at least ten feet high. It has the head of a large bull and wisps of smoke curl from its flaming nostrils. Its eyes burn with a terrible intensity that fills your heart with dread as it lifts its horned head and roars. It stretches its broad bat wings, throwing a cloak of shadow over you. The demons that fill the hall are but minions of this fierce master. Before you are able to summon magical forces to combat this awesome foe, the Demon Master lunges forward on its cloven feet. Its grasping, clawed hands reach out, hungry to squeeze the life from your body. You may not evade this combat.
If you defeat the Demon Master in three rounds or less, turn to 188.
If the combat lasts for four rounds and you are still alive, do not continue the combat but turn immediately to 276.