‘Go now,’ you call to Sado and his men. ‘I will face them.’
The soldiers do as they are asked and you turn to face the chariots thundering across the flat ground before the rise. The Shadakine inside the chariots are still entranced by your spell and the vehicles are veering crazily. One crashes into another, destroying both. Satisfied that your spell has been successful, you turn and make to leave the rise. As you do so, a chariot suddenly swerves out of control and heads towards you. The steel blades of its wheels glitter menacingly.
If you have 2 WILLPOWER points and wish to fire a long-range attack at the chariot, turn to 303.
If you prefer to stand and face the chariot, turn to 263.
If you wish to try to dive out of the swerving course of the chariot, turn to 259.