You mount and ride with all speed to the site of the battle at the northern edge of the camp. You arrive to see Sado with a hundred cavalry upon a low rise overlooking the battle. As many as a thousand Shadakine foot soldiers are charging towards you.
‘Good morning to you, Grey Star,’ Sado calls. ‘The morning begins with battle. Have a care to stay by me, for you know not the strategy I have in mind and you must be sure to move when I do.’
You glance behind the line of Sado’s cavalrymen and see a line of soldiers armed with crossbows, busily loading their weapons. The warriors are kneeling to conceal their presence. When the Shadakine have drawn but two hundred paces away, Sado barks a command. At his word, the line of horsemen parts to allow those bearing crossbows to step forward. Sado shouts again and the crossbowmen release a deadly hail of arrows that flies towards the Shadakine host. Many fall dead in the face of this lethal volley. But incredibly the survivors continue.
‘These Shadakine are strong of heart. Brave but foolish,’ Sado murmurs.
The crossbowmen reload and release another shower of arrows. As the bolts find their targets, many more Shadakine fall dead. More than half their number have now fallen. You look back to the camp: it is still a chaotic mass of rushing men, trying to order themselves and leave. Samu and his Masbaté have already left in good order but they have the advantage of smaller numbers and a strong leader to command them.
The Shadakine continue to advance, their faces set with grim determination. There is no time for the crossbowmen to reload their weapons before the remainder of the Shadakine, almost five hundred men, fall upon the Guild’s ranks. At Sado’s command, the cavalry charges down the rise at the Shadakine. A furious mêlée ensues but the Shadakine maintain the upper hand and the cavalry are forced to retreat in disorder. It will not be long before the Shadakine are fighting against the bulk of the army of the Freedom Guild, who are still attempting to flee into the forest. Looking to the distant hills, you see the reason for this early raid by the Shadakine. A line of Shadakine chariots has appeared. From earlier encounters with the Shadakine, you know that sharpened blades adorn the wheels of the chariots. You shudder to think of the harm they could inflict on the disordered lines of the retiring Freedom Guild.
If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Physiurgy and wish to expend 2 WILLPOWER points using it against the chariots of the Shadakine, turn to 333.
If you are versed on the Higher Magick of Telergy and wish to expend 2 WILLPOWER points using it against the Shadakine, turn to 327.
If you wish to lead the main army group of the Freedom Guild into the Forest of Fernmost, turn to 343.