‘This shall be done,’ comes the reply. ‘Look into the Moonstone and your wish shall be granted.’
You obey and gaze into the stone. Gradually the colour of the stone begins to change. It darkens until it contains a grey mist. The heart of the mist clears and a hazy image appears. You are looking upon a huge, grim city that overlooks the sea. Its looming walls are built of black stone and granite from the mountains of Jazer. The image shifts and you feel as if you are being drawn into the city with its tall, crenellated walls and towers. You guess that this is the fortress city of Shadaki, Shasarak’s home, and the heart of the Shadakine Empire. The scene shifts to a high tower, and suddenly you are looking down into a wide, round hall, full of darkness and foreboding. At one end of the hall is a throne, rudely carved from stone; at the other end is a wall of fire. Kneeling before the wall of fire is the crippled figure of Shasarak, who looks as if he is pleading with someone. A pair of eyes stares out from the wall of fire. Suddenly the picture fades.