It is a foolish decision, for the army is forced to advance out of the forest later anyway, with a raging fire at their backs and a ravening horde before them. They are panicky and disordered, and in no state to fight the Shadakine warriors. Though the Kazim retrieves the stone that is its heart and kills the Shadakine Wytch that once owned it, the loss of their leader is not a sufficient blow to their morale to stop the Shadakine from continuing their battle with the Freedom League. The ranks of Sado’s men are completely decimated and, though you are the last to fall, you are slain by the triumphant Shadakine horde, and your head is taken to the fortress city of Shadaki as a gift to the Wytch-king, Shasarak.
You have failed in your quest; your adventure ends here.