War of the Wizards


With valiant cries, the entire force of the Masbaté tribesmen charges from the forest, running to the aid of Sado, who is beleaguered upon the hill. The Masbaté have managed to stay ordered and controlled under Samu’s command, despite the surprise of the Shadakine night attack, and their charge is ferocious and deadly. The Shadakine are swept back and away from the hill. Soon they have fallen into a full retreat and the men of the Freedom Guild give a loud cheer.

While Sado organizes his men into battle formations, and sends couriers dashing through the forest with messages for the rest of the army, you stare out at the Shadakine host, trying to guess their next move. A cloud drifts across the moon’s face, blotting out its silver light and plunging you into darkness once more. Sado curses. ‘Grey Star, is there nothing you can do to bring us light?’ he asks.

‘I cannot command the sun to rise before dawn,’ you reply bitterly. If only there were some way of fulfilling Sado’s request. You are also anxious to see the movements of the Shadakine.

If you possess the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, expending 2 WILLPOWER points, turn to 338.

If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Physiurgy and wish to expend 1 WILLPOWER point using it, turn to 332.

If you do not have either of these Magical Powers, or if you do not wish to use them, turn to 275.

Project AonWar of the Wizards