Shasarak’s torment is written in deep lines upon his ruined face. The wall of fire is a portal to Agarash’s realm. Shasarak’s bargain is to change places with Agarash, setting the demon free and enduring Agarash’s banishment for all time. He chooses eternal torment before eternal death.
As Shasarak disappears through the wall, Agarash calls out with glee, ‘Free, free at last!’ The eyes disappear and a vast, flaming shoulder moves out from the wall. You glimpse a wing and a clawed foot.
If you wish to use the last of your WILLPOWER and ENDURANCE points to attack the Demonlord as he steps through the portal, turn to 322.
If you wish to use the last of your WILLPOWER and ENDURANCE points to attempt to close the portal, turn to 356.