War of the Wizards


A feeling of panic surges through the men. Sado looks aghast. The army will be forced out of the forest and into the jaws of the Shadakine to be slaughtered, for the Freedom Guild lacks sufficient numbers to face the Shadakine in an all-out assault. Just as you think you are facing certain doom, a vast shape immersed in a pallid, yellow glow strides out from amongst the burning trees. It is a Kazim. Many of Sado’s men shout out in alarm and horror, thinking that they are being attacked from the rear but you know this is not the case.

‘Do not worry,’ you assure Sado. ‘This is a Kazim. It fights with us.’

The stony creature, measuring twelve feet high at least, moves through the parting ranks of Guildsmen and stops at the edge of the forest. It is alone; the other Kazim must already be on their way to the other Shadakine Wytches in the pursuit of their hearts. The Kazim at the edge of the forest turns its head this way and that, searching. When it has located that which it seeks, it moves forward at great speed.

If you wish to tell Sado to command his army to follow the Kazim, turn to 328.

If you wish to remain in the forest, turn to 346.

Project AonWar of the Wizards