Your horse quickly covers the miles of your long, desperate ride. The demon host has not caught you, although it is not far away. Looking to the east you see great clouds of dust hanging in the air. These are the tell-tale signs of an army on the move. It must be the rear of the Shadakine column approaching the bridge at Lanzi. You double your speed. Now you can hear the cries of battle and the ringing of steel. You gallop around the edge of the town of Lanzi on its western side and emerge close to the River Dosar. Reining in the horse for a moment, you stop and look along the line of the river. A mile away you can see the bridge. The Masbaté still hold it but they fight a desperate battle against a huge force of Shadakine warriors.
With a wild yell, you head towards the battle, the demon pack baying at your heels. You reach the Shadakine force that fights at the bridge and, rushing up to an officer, you indicate the demon horde behind you. He curses and orders some of his men to turn and face this new threat. He orders you to the rear of the army group. ‘Alert Warward Gatakhan,’ he shouts after you. ‘He must bring forward more men.’
You nod your head, although, of course, you have no intention of obeying the order. Your sole objective is to cross the river and tell the Masbaté that they may join the Army of the Freedom Guild in the south.
If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy and wish to use it to teleport across the river and have 2 WILLPOWER points, turn to 195.
If you wish to try to swim across the river, turn to 238.
If you wish to try to fight your way across the bridge, turn to 256.