You wake to see the face of Tanith looking into yours. You sit up with a jolt. You are lying in a bed in a tall tower. ‘The portal … Agarash … is he … ?’ you stammer.
Tanith smiles. ‘All vanquished,’ she replies. ‘The Demonlord Agarash and his portal of fire have gone and Shasarak with them. You have triumphed, Grey Star. We are saved.’
With a wild laugh you leap from the bed and hug Tanith with joy. You have saved your people. ‘Come,’ she says, leading you to a doorway. It opens on to a balcony that overlooks a large square in the centre of the city of Shadaki. There you look upon a huge crowd. They let out a thunderous cheer as they see you.
Later you retire to the chamber. Standing there are Sado of the Long Knife and Samu, the Masbaté King. You clasp their outstretched hands, eyes brimming with tears of happiness. You grin furiously, glad to see that they are alive. A wave of exultant relief runs through you as you receive their grateful thanks and congratulations. They tell you that the Shadakine have fled back to the Sadi Desert. All the cities of the land are free capitals as before. The long task of rebuilding has already begun and all sing your praise to the furthest corners of what was once the Shadakine Empire. They have proclaimed you their ruler, the Wizard Regent of the Free Peoples, for their faith and trust in your wisdom and courage is unshakable.
Hail! Wizard Grey Star, Shianti Hero and Saviour.