War of the Wizards


Entranced, the rider trots towards you, hailing you as friend, for your magic controls him completely. When he has come close enough, you grab his leg and drag him from the saddle. So sudden is your action that the warrior is unable to resist. A swift blow to the back of his head knocks him unconscious. Now you can complete your plan. By dressing in the Shadakine uniform, you will be able to lead the demon host towards the Shadakine Army and they will think you one of their number. Quickly you don the uniform. Your Simar steed is exhausted but the Shadakine horse offers the chance of a fresh mount and greater speed. You slap the Simar’s haunches and watch it trot away. The beast has served you well, and you offer a silent Shianti blessing that will keep it from harm.

Turn to 250.

Project AonWar of the Wizards