Suddenly you are in a wide, round hall, full of shadows. At one end of the hall is a flaming wall, and kneeling before the wall is the hunched figure of Shasarak, Wytch-king of Shadaki. His back is turned to you but he spins round the instant you arrive. He is a hideous sight. His flesh is black as if burnt by recent fires and his fingers are like claws. Half his face is missing, and in its place there is a metal plate, which is the only thing that gives shape to a livid mass of shrunken flesh and tissue. One eye is shrivelled, sightless, and shrunken, the other burns into you with hatred so intense that it almost forces you back a step.
The room fills with the sound of savage laughter, but it is not Shasarak who laughs. A familiar, slithering, deathly voice emanates from the wall of fire, and within the fire you see two slanted eyes: pools of absolute darkness. It is the Demonlord Agarash!
‘See, Shasarak. He has come, as I told you he would. He has come to slay you. Won’t you accept my bargain?’
‘Never!’ Shasarak hisses, his voice like the rush of broken stone scattering on the floor. ‘He does not have the power to master me … as you have not, Demon.’
Shasarak glares at you malevolently and raises a damaged hand. He is about to strike.
If you have 1 WILLPOWER point and wish to raise the Moonstone against Shasarak, turn to 21.
If you wish to defend yourself with the Moonstone, turn to 92.