With the speed of a pouncing tiger, you twist around to face the three that remain. They are almost upon you, but the speed of your reactions and the fierceness of your gaze paralyse the grotesque creatures. With a mighty cry, you hurl yourself at them in a wild blaze of magical fire and slashing blows. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, your Staff crashes down on the head of the nearest demon. It falls to the ground with a squeal of pain, smoke curling around its purple body that shines like the shell of a giant beetle. It reaches at you with a feeble motion, its crab-like pincer flexing stiffly before it dies. Those that remain flee as fast as their distorted limbs can carry them, wailing in a frenzy of insane fear. You start to pursue, but before you can reach them they have dematerialized. You turn around: the injured toad demon has also disappeared. Panting heavily, you satisfy yourself that Tanith is unharmed before dropping your guard. You fall to your knees, drawing great breaths and leaning heavily on your Staff.