The miles roll by and eventually, the Simar steed adopts a more relaxed pace. You estimate that you are halfway to the pass. Looking over your shoulder to the west, you see only the broad expanse of the plain and the distant Hills of Tilos. Of the demon plague you can see nothing.
High in the afternoon sky you see two black specks wheeling above you. As you walk, one of them begins to spiral downwards. It is a long, snake-like creature with broad, feathery wings. Its talons are like small, clutching needles and it has a small set of forelimbs. The other creature follows and, to your surprise, you see that it is exactly the same as the first, only smaller. That these are plague demons is certain, but it is the first time you have ever seen two of the same kind. The Flying Snakes make no move towards you; they merely drift on the air currents. Evidently these are not affected by the Agarashi’s13 inspired state of crazed frenzy.
If you wish to attack one of the Flying Snakes with your Staff at long range and you have 2 WILLPOWER points, turn to 88.
If you wish to ignore them, turn to 103.