War of the Wizards


The demon clings to the side of the stallion and, with a superhuman effort, you twist round and bring your Staff crashing down on its skull. The creature falls to the plain, spinning over and over again before coming to rest. Your heart lifts as you notice the growing frequency of trees and bushes dotting the land: the forest’s edge is rushing towards you. The winged demons above are now unable to fly so low. The demon horde is still far behind. With a jubilant yell you enter the sanctuary of the wooded pass through the mountains and, swiftly, you dismount, wincing at the pain caused by your many cuts and bruises. The stallion is also injured and you lead the exhausted animal along the heart of the forest. Looking around furtively you eventually find a hidden clearing where you can rest for a few moments and plan the last stage of your task.

Turn to 170.

Project AonWar of the Wizards