War of the Wizards


With a wide, scything stroke of your Staff, the demon is slain. Its ruined body crumples to the ground, staining the grass of the plain with thick, black blood. Suddenly a razor-sharp pincer grabs your arm, raking your shoulder to inflict a bloody wound (you lose 3 ENDURANCE points). The other three demons have crept up on you while you fought. Your attacker is the smallest of the three: a grotesque creature with an impossibly bent back and a bulbous purple body, shining like the shell of some gigantic beetle. With a cacophony of triumphal screeches they throw themselves at you. You cannot evade and must fight them to the death. All three fight as one enemy.

Three Demons of the Plain: COMBAT SKILL 20   ENDURANCE 30

If you win the combat, turn to 251.

Project AonWar of the Wizards