Summoning all your strength, you fight against the fast-moving current of the River Dosar, tugging off the armour. You manage to swim to the other side and drag yourself ashore, panting for breath. A short distance away you can see Samu. Hauling yourself to your feet, you stagger over to him.
‘Grey Star!’ he gasps. ‘You succeeded?’
‘Call your men. We must retreat. Look!’ you cry hoarsely, gesturing across the river. ‘I have brought the demon plague. We must flee while they and the Shadakine fight.’
It is as you say. Across the river the demons do awful battle with the Shadakine. Samu springs into action, blowing upon a horn and sounding the retreat. The Masbaté retire. The Shadakine cannot pursue while the whole demon horde is attacking them. Nevertheless you must destroy the bridge to prevent pursuit should the Shadakine, who number in their thousands, defeat the demon plague too soon.
If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 314.
If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Physiurgy and wish to use it, turn to 7.
If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy and wish to use it, turn to 26.
If you do not possess any of the above Powers, you must attack the bridge with your Staff; turn to 175.